Thursday, January 21, 2016

Almost There...

          Many may wonder why my first blog title is “Almost there…”, but the students in the Communications and Advertising cohort know exact what I mean. My blog will primarily cover my last semester with my fellow classmates and the road ahead after I finish with my degree. We are 14 weeks away from being completed with our studies and moving on to do bigger and better things with our degrees. My blog will break down my last semester and the things I take away from it that will help me succeed with my degree in the future.

          We as a cohort are almost there. We are all close to being completed with this journey in life, the long nights, and the juggling of schedules (between work and other things in life). This is our last semester and our last step before we have our degree and continue the journey through life. I named my blog “A man with a plan” because my blog will carry over from my last semester into the advancements I make at work due to the degree I am completing.  

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